Staying Healthy While Knitting

Knitting is one of the most relaxing and rewarding hobbies someone can enjoy. Whilst knitting and the use of wool have plenty of benefits, there are also a few safety issues to bear in mind. Being aware of them will ensure that knitting remains fun and without an accident.

Keep the Wool Away From Open Flames

Wool tends to be flammable. Knitters should therefore treat it as a fire hazard and take necessary precautions. This could include not smoking near it or knitting close to a fireplace. Another option is to choose a synthetic wool substitute with flame-resistant properties. It is also a wise idea to keep an extinguisher close by just in case the worst should happen.

Use Wool From a Safe Source

The quality of the wool and its source is often overlooked by knitters. However, it should always be remembered that the wrong types could pose a potential health risk. This could include wool from unregulated countries. They may contain toxins and irritants. It is better to go for a local organic wool source instead, regardless of how cheap other sources may be.

Be Aware of the Dangers of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a widespread joint complaint. Sufferers may experience a stiff joint that feels painful to move. People can use the internet to get information on osteoarthritis treatment as this will save them having to consult a GP. Knitters around the world have experienced this condition. It is not necessarily caused by the act of knitting. However, people with osteoarthritis can see a worsening of symptoms in joints that are used regularly. For knitters, this will naturally include their fingers.

Watch Out for Those Needles!

This is one of the more immediate and apparent hazards to a knitter’s safety. The needles used will usually be quite sharp and long. It is essential to handle them correctly and with care. Getting pierced with these needles can lead to nasty wounds and in extreme cases, loss of life. One way of minimising this risk is buying safety needles instead, which have blunted points.

Take Exercise Breaks Regularly

Knitting involves sitting down for extended periods. It is the ideal way to pass through the day. However, not being active for too long will lead to health issues, including obesity. For this reason, knitters should take regular exercise breaks such as walks, cycling or trips to the gym.

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