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Knitting as a Form of Convalescence

Knitting has been around for many years as a form of creating individual clothing items such as jumpers or as a mass production tool to craft

Decorating a Knitting Room

Knitting is undoubtedly a popular hobby for a variety of reasons. It both relaxes the person knitting and rewards them with an item once their task

Volunteer Knitting Projects

There are so many crafters whose favourite hobby is knitting. This is something they enjoy doing for hours at a time. They often run into one

Using Knit Items To Spruce Up Your Home

When people think about knitting what usually comes to mind is knitted items that they can wear. Or for some they may think about wool blankets.

Choosing the Right Wool

For those who are experienced in working with yarn, they are reasonably good at being able to pick the right wool for the project at hand.

Staying Healthy While Knitting

Knitting is one of the most relaxing and rewarding hobbies someone can enjoy. Whilst knitting and the use of wool have plenty of benefits, there are

Knitted home items for a royal makeover

Wool is one of the traditional materials that people have been using for ages. Due to modern demand, a short supply of yarn, and an increase

Enjoying the Craft of Knitting

There are so many different types of crafts that can be enjoyed, but one that has been around for many years is the art of knitting.


A sock is a clothing garment which is worn on the feet. Today, socks come in varying shapes and sizes and are available in a wide


A very traditional style of fabric in several countries, tweed and the various patterns that it can comprise of, have been an essential part of local